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Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is a hallmark of the Unionville-Chadds Ford School District approach to good stewardship and excellence in education.

It all starts with identifying student needs for success in life - engaging the community with the Board and Administration in and effort to responsibly meet student needs through curriculum, staffing, infrastructure and all other necessary supports. 

Areas of Focus

  1. Annual Goals - The Board, working with the Administration, establishes annual goals
  2. Comprehensive Plan - A state mandated process, primarily focused on the curricular needs of students.
  3. Curriculum Cycle - A UCFSD process of evaluating each area of curriculum on a 5 year cycle.
  4. Class Size - School Staffing Standards - These administrative guidelines are in the UCFSD Policy Manual (Policy 126).
  5. Comprehensive Counseling Program - Also a state mandated process, primarily focused on the academic, career, and personal/social development needs of our students.
  6. Long Range Facilities Plan - This plan has also sometimes been referred to as the 10 year capital plan.  The plan focuses on facilities (buildings and grounds) needs to support the district's program.
  7. Special Education Plan - A state mandated process/report focused on students with special needs.
  8. Technology Plan - This departmental plan provides a roadmap of initiatives and investments to meet the technology needs of students and staff.
  9. Wellness - A UCFSD initiative designed to partner UCFSD with parents and the community to research, identify, and implement best practices that promote and support student health and wellness.