2018 Grant Awards
Unionville High School
Technology and Engineering Education Laptops - $4,804
Charles F. Patton Middle School
Tower Garden Project - $1,087
Chadds Ford Elementary School
Flexible Seating - $1,200
Working with Circuits K-5 - $1,200
Outdoor Classroom Boy Scout Eagle Project - $600
Hillendale Elementary School
Designing and Creating with 3D Printers & Live Streaming - $4,998
Pocopson Elementary School
Designing and Creating with 3D Printers & Live Streaming - $4,998
Flexible Seating - $1,000
Flexible Seating - $1,000
Unionville Elementary School
Virtual Reality - $1,000
2017 Grant Awards
Unionville High School
Community Building Leadership Project - $5,000
Cordless Tools for Tech and Engineering Lab - $860
Charles F. Patton Middle School
Water Bottle Filling Station - $600 - The goal is to reduce the use of plastic bottles.
Chadds Ford Elementary School
eTextiles - $1,403
Hillendale Elementary School
Signage Hillendale Trail - $1,629
Water Bottle Filling Stations - $2,000
Pocopson Elementary School
Water Bottle Filler Conversion Kit - $490
Attention to Fitness - $2,000
Chromebooks - $4,980
Unionville Elementary School
Collab-Oratory - $1,565
Student Centered Seating - $2,256
2016 Grant Awards
Unionville High School
Makerspace/ Rasberry Pi & Litte Bits - $2,500
Waerbottle Filling Stations - $3,600
UHS Cyber Cafe - $2,500
3D Biological Modeling and Printing - $4,000
Next Generation Wireless Carts - $2,300
Charles F Patton Middle School
Redcat Classroom Audio System - $4,332
Chadds Ford Elementary
CFES Makerspace - $3,764
CFES Collaboration Space - $1,500
Pocopson Elementary School
Rockin' Reader Chairs - $1,000
Library iPads - $1,500
Unionville Elementary School
15 Chromebooks - $3,990
2015 Grant Awards
Charles F Patton Middle School
High Tunnel Solar Mechanism - $3,900
Chromebox Computers - $670
Chadds Ford Elementary School
Makerbot 3D Printer - $1,650
Hillendale Elementary School
Hillendale Trail - $5,000
Unionville Elementary School
Read Along Library - $990