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About Facilities

The main function of the Buildings & Grounds department is to ensure clean, safe, attractive, well-maintained and efficiently-functioning facilities that enhance the learning environment.


Points of Pride

  • The 2009 UHS renovations provided important improvements that significantly improved the learning environment with (among other things) new science labs, a tech ed wing and updated facilities for athletics and the arts. Renovations cost less than the original bid and was completed ahead of schedule - - $70 Million bid vs $57 Million actual.
  • When facilities are well designed and maintained they support and enhance the learning environment. Although UHS had long been a high performing school, after the 2009 renovations, measured student outcomes have risen and we are now ranked amongst the best in climate, safety and athletics ( 2018).
  • Safety is a top concern for all in UCFSD and the Buildings and Grounds department took a lead role in identifying opportunities to make our campuses safer and in implementing the 31 point safety improvement plan approved in 2012. The UCFSD 2016 climate report showed that staff, students and parents agree that they feel safe in their schools.
  • Cost management is another key to long term success. The Buildings and Grounds department works with the Board to identify needs looking out over ten years. The Ten Year Facilities Plan is part of a governance processes that helps the district manage costs and by maximizing the useful life of facilities and equipment and by allowing the Board to better manage budgets and facilities borrowing by looking at the long view.