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Long Range Facilities Plan

Strategic planning is a hallmark of the district's approach to effective governance, responsible stewardship and excellence in education. The district develops long range strategic plans in many areas including curriculum, technology, facilities / grounds, and our comprehensive plan. Long range planning allows the district to focus on the highest priorities in order to best meet the safety and instructional needs of students. Planning supports continually looking at current and future needs - adapting to change and adopting best practices.

Read more about district-wide planning here.

Why Do We Have a Long Range Facilities Plan?

  • While the district has always supported planning for capital projects, we have been formally planning and strategically providing funding for facilities and grounds maintenance since the 2012-13 school year.
  • We believe that districts that have consistent capital investment funding are more able to provide healthy, safe, sustainable, and educationally appropriate school facilities.
  • Planning for the future provides the Board with the best opportunity to understand funding requirements by year and to develop stable, sustainable and fiscally responsible budgets and borrowing plans in order to offer reasonable and predictable tax schedules to our taxpayers.
  • A long range plan offers transparency and community engagement considering needs of all stakeholders and adopting balanced solutions.

Click to view our UCF Success for All: Stewardship Video

Stewardship - “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care”



Long Range Facilities Plan Resources