Emergency medications (EpiPens, insulin, and inhalers) may be carried if a healthcare provider's written request is on file in the nurse's office. All other prescription and non-prescription medications are stored and administered in the nurse's office. Prescription and non-prescription medications of Benadryl, Tylenol (acetaminophen) and Advil (ibuprofen) should be delivered to the nurse's office by a parent or guardian with appropriate written instructions and permission for administration. All other non-prescription medication requires a physician's order.
Prescription medication must be in the original container with a label including the name of the student, date of prescription, time and dose to be given, and the name of the healthcare provider. Prescription medication to be administered at school must be accompanied by a written healthcare provider's order. Any change in dose of prescription medication requires a new medication permission form completed by the healthcare provider. If a prescription is more than one year old or if a medication has expired, the medication cannot be administered by the school nurse. Non-prescription medications of Benadryl, acetaminophen and ibuprofen must be in the original containers. All medications should be picked up from the nurse's office during the last week of school by the parent or guardian.