CFES Conference Info
Greetings Parents and Guardians!
Fall conferences are planned for the week of November 20th. CFES utilizes an online parent/teacher conference sign-up system called PTCfast. Please follow the directions below to sign up for a conference with your child’s teacher. Once you have registered on using the link below, you will receive an email that will grant you access to the conference schedules of the teachers you request.
After the initial sign-up, you will receive confirmation emails and reminders from PTCfast regarding your conference time. If you do not see the email, please check your junk/trash/spam folders. Upon confirmation, you will be able to resume the selection process.
If you have multiple children at CFE, you can view the conference schedules for all staff you choose. The service will allow you to align times that are most convenient for you. Conference times are meant only for homeroom teachers, but you may request additional personnel to attend.
Important Information:
If your child receives any of the following services: Learning Support or Gifted Support, the specialists would like to be a part of your child's parent-teacher conference. In order for specialists to attend you must choose the same time slot for the classroom teacher AND the specialist when scheduling your conference. To conference with the Reading Specialist, they will coordinate with the homeroom teachers to participate in the conference. If there is a time conflict, you will be contacted directly by the Reading Specialist.
Since many of our 3rd-5th grade students switch classes for math, your child’s math progress will be shared by the homeroom teacher. Please do not select a time block to meet with your child’s math teacher.
Conferences will be offered in-person, by phone, or virtual (Google Meets or Zoom). Please indicate a conference time and type “phone”, “in-person” or “virtual” after your child’s last name (ex: Last Name: Smith/Phone) or in the box at the bottom of the time slots
If you cannot find a time that works for you within the teacher’s conference schedule, do not have access to the internet, or want to schedule a conference with another teacher other than your child’s homeroom teacher, please contact the teacher directly to schedule a time. Information regarding each teacher can be found in the attachment: 23 Fall Parent Conferences.pdf
To register and choose a conference time, enter this link into your internet browser:
This link will be available to schedule until November 9th, after that date please contact the front office or the teacher directly to schedule. If you have any questions regarding the process, please contact our main office at 610.388.1112 x3700. Thank you!
Danielle Clark
CFES Principal