Patton Athletic Training
Athletic Training Rm Info
Rm. H12 (AKA Rm 147A)
Located in the girl's side of the gym, near the girl's locker room.
Important Information to Know:
Mrs. Walsh-Shell generally comes in to the school by 9:30. There are days where she works late at the high school and she will be in by 12:00 on those days. Mr. Leipold in the Main Office will know if Mrs. Walsh-Shell will be in late. If you have questions or concerns about an injury or treatment, please feel free to email Mrs. Walsh-Shell at
Treatment Options:
Most injuries are treated using some combination of the following items at the discretion of the athletic trainers or treating physician. Due to time constraints associated with middle school sports, many exercises are introduced and then given a Home Exercise Program.
- Evaluation of athletic injuries
- Therapeutic Exercise
- Supervised Activities
- Manually Resisted Exercises
- Conditioning Programs
- Home Exercise Programs
- Taping/Bracing
- Preventative Taping
- Preventative Bracing
- Therapeutic Modalities
- Cryotherapy (ice)
- Thermotherapy (heat)
*Please note this is not an exclusive list and the ATs may utilize other options if available to them.